For students aged 11 to 14, schools have been advised to implement additional teachings on gambling and gaming awareness.
The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment assembled and released them (CCEA). The topics covered in the classes range from scratch cards and sports betting to wagering on internet video games. A set of teachings created by the nonprofit organization Gambling with Lives is already being used in some Northern Irish schools.
CCAE Lesson Plans
The revised CCEA lesson plan is intended for students taking the subject Learning for Life and Work who are between the ages of 11 and 14.
According to CCEA recommendations, teachers should acknowledge the benefits of gaming while also bringing attention to any potential drawbacks because young people see gaming as a part of their environment that they love and may benefit from.
Both gaming awareness and gambling awareness are part of their five teachings.
They urge students to talk about their hobbies and joys in their free time. Then, the courses also address what kids already know about gambling and how gaming and betting businesses use understanding of human motivation and brain chemistry to keep players interested.